Our Restoration Centre offers a safe haven for young men recovering from the ravages of addiction. We Teach Life Skills incorporated into a programme of restoration; offering a holistic approach involving a spiritual as well as a practical recovery. We are about establishing personal balance within the individual; enabling our residents to learn the truths of victorious Christian living in an environment that is conducive to change.
We frequently work with the Judical system and Social Services in providing an alternative to penal incarceration. We have a successful and long history of returning many of our residnets back into society as functioning and productive citizens.
At Enoch's Walk we are actively involved with every resident. We believe that change is effected from within only when the individual persuades himself that he is motivated toward a higher goal; one that he has perceived is worth achieving. To accomplish this we employ a disciplined regime of work and education; fostering inherent leadership capabilities that we believe are within every individual.
Our strategy at Enoch's Walk is to bring into focus a new set of Life Skills that will equip the residents with alternative choices in order to re-direct and re-structure their lives. This in turn teaches and motivates the resident to move towards a more positive, healthy and balance existence. This ethos designed to reinforce, or heighten, a personal sense oof integrity and to bring into play a commitment to personal values. We encourage each individual to develope physical and emotional goals teaching them to invest in their own well-being.
Individual counselling and group therapy sessions form an integral part of the restoration process and assist the resident to overcome the devastation of addiction and other catastrophic events that have necessitated the need for restitution.